My Obession with Tea Shops

My Obession with Tea Shops

Hello my name is Megan and I am obsessed with tea shops.

Ever since I was very little I have wanted to open a small tea shop and sell cakes and drinks on little quaint mis-matched vintage crockery. Aaaah the delusional dream of a little British girl. Although my aspirations have changed slightly, I still adore everything from Afternoon tea, to bacon pancakes served up in the local tea shops.

When my friends say they want to meet up in town it’s always one of my first thoughts! I mean why not?

– They’re fun and different from an over-priced starbucks

– They’re so cute and vintage ~ perfect for Instagram

– The food (and drink) is so nice

So therefore I thought I (with my refined tastes and local knowledge) would show you guys the best of the best places to get  a very british taste:

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Green Tea? Green Tea

Green Tea? Green Tea

Ok so I’m guessing you’ve heard this before but…

Green tea is really good for you

According to the NHS :

Green tea contains B vitamins, folate (naturally occurring folic acid), manganese, potassium, magnesium, caffeine and other antioxidants (notably catechins).

SO to hopefully try and inspire you to try green tea (admittedly I have only started drinking about 3 weeks ago and not very regularly unfortunately – but hey! I’m a teenager what it regular in my life!) I am going to introduce you to my TOP 3 GREEN TEAS which are top because they are relatively affordable versus some of those on the market and because they taste SO DAMN GOOD – so you’ll actually want to drink them rather than treat it as more of a chore.  Read more